Number and plate
Anyone whose vehicle plate number has been stolen can apply for a new one by presenting a police report.
How do I apply online?
The application is filed online, but if you need assistance, you can take your supporting documents to a Point Numérique, where someone will help you through the process.
- Log in to FranceConnect
- Click on “New Request”
- Select the "Make another request" service
Theft of the plates alone does not justify the allocation of a new plate number. Proof of misuse of the plate number is required.
No regional fees are owed for this transaction. The user will only have to pay the fee for transporting the new document.
It is not possible to make a spontaneous conversion to the new vehicle registration system to obtain an SIV AA-125-BB number.
As long as you do not make any changes to your current vehicle registration document (change of address, marital status, etc.), you will keep your old FNI number (plates ending with the number of the département where they were registered, e.g. 123 ZZ 08).
The SIV number is permanently assigned to the vehicle, in a sequence calculated automatically by the centralised computer system.
It is not possible to assign a new number to the vehicle.
Deleting a single set of letters would result in the loss of several hundred thousand plate numbers, and would therefore have a direct impact on the life of the SIV.
The only exclusions are the characters I, O, U and the letter pair SS.
When a vehicle registered in the SIV system changes owner or region, it retains its registration number.
No, it is not possible to choose the SIV number that will appear on the number plate.
The plate number, made up of a series of 7 alphanumeric characters (2 letters, 1 dash, 3 digits, 1 dash and 2 letters) is allocated chronologically in a single national series.
A single combination of two letters is excluded: SS, to comply with the Criminal Code, which "punishes the wearing or display of insignias reminiscent of those of organisations or persons responsible for crimes against humanity".
Some letters are not used, such as I, O and U, to avoid confusion with digits.
The plate number, which is allocated to the vehicle for life, is independent of the owner's place of residence.
The number plate must bear a territorial identifier.
This territorial identifier is made up of a département number and the logo of the corresponding region.
The département reference takes the form of the département's current number, and the regional reference appears in the form of a regional logo that has been proposed by each regional council and officially approved by the national government.
This territorial identifier is not necessarily linked to the address of the vehicle owner, who is free to choose the département with which they feel the deepest personal ties or affinities, whether or not they live there now.
If a used vehicle is purchased, the new owner may keep the territorial identifier affixed by the previous owner or have the territorial identifier of their choice affixed.
As a special exception, and with a view to preserving the national heritage, owners of vintage vehicles will be able to keep their original black number plates, on which they will display the new SIV number.
The vehicle retains the same plate number and you can keep the previous owner's number plate, but you can also change the territorial identifier.
No, it is not possible to have a regional logo that does not match the chosen département.
While any département may be chosen, the logo on the number plate is that of the region that contains it.
The number plate forms a coherent whole, from the Euroband on the left to the local identifier on the right.
Just as the number plate must be immovable, its components must remain attached to the plate itself and not be detachable for any reason whatsoever.
When the local identifier is replaced, the number plate will also be changed. It is therefore not permitted to affix a logo sticker to the plate (although it may be affixed to the vehicle).
If the trailer has a separate registration, you are free to choose the territorial identifier for the number plate of both the trailer and your vehicle.